Youtopia - Requirements and Benefits

The web site (Youtopia)  is seeking funding from a variety of individuals and organizations. The project cost is estimated to be about $300,000 over a two year period.

This includes the cost of equipment, services and the salary of the creative director also serving as project manager. Some support and services are already being provided by several Silicon Valley individuals, who recognize the value of the project and are championing the cause. Additional commitment will be needed to secure successful operation and additional personnel as needed.

It is proposed that production companies commit to employ the project manager for a period of 24-months, with the goal of delivering a complete web site within the first year, and making the site fully operational within the second year.

In return, Youtopia would grant exclusive publicity and promotion rights to Your Company as the "parent company" responsible for bringing Youtopia to a previously undervalued segment of the cultural presence.

Here is what you can gain by your association with Youtopia